

marți, 14 mai 2013

Zilele Manastirii Cetatuia in Cetateni, Arges

Ansamblul folcloric Doinita pa avut deosebita placere sa danseze la evenimentul Zilele Manastirii Cetatuia, Negru-Voda din Comuna Cetateni, judetul Arges. Spectacolul a fost inclus in cadrul unui vast eveniment la care au mai participat si Gelu Voicu, Lautarii din Teleorman, Emilia Dorobantu, ansamblul Doruri Muscelene si multi altii.
Cateva fotografii de la acest eveniment:

miercuri, 10 aprilie 2013

Pacala s-a nascut roman!

Ansamblul folcloric Doinita a avut placerea sa participe la evenimentul "Pacala s-a nascut roman!", ce s-a desfasurat la Muzeul Satului in data de 7 aprilie.

duminică, 24 februarie 2013

Spectacol pentru evenimentul Global Village. Multumim AIESEC Bucharest !

De Dragobete iubim romaneste!
Urmariti reportajul despre Dragobete realizat de Alexandra Badoi impreuna cu Ansamblul Folcloric Doinita!
"Daca ploua de Dragobete, la tara se spune ca primavara se va instala mai devreme si in scurt timp va reveni soarele. Oricum ar fi vremea, trebuie sa bucuram de aceasta zi a noastra a dragostei: Dragobetele cel care saruta fetele asa cum se spune in popor. Ieri, la Muzeul Satului, alaturi de cativa tineri frumosi de la ansamblul Doinita din Bucuresti am petrecut in avans aceasta sarbatoare."

vineri, 4 ianuarie 2013

Romania in India 2012 - Mood Indigo Worldfest Mumbai (English)

Between the 14th and the 24th of December 2012, Doinita Folk Ensemble from The Students' House of Culture from Bucharest - Romania has participated at Mood Indigo Worldfest in Mumbai, India - Asia's largest cultural college festival. 

We can say we discovered another world: different education, different culture...a whole different life style!
They impressed us at first sight: when we arrived in front of the airport they greeted us in an indian traditional way: with flower garlands round our necks and red spots on our foreheads. Other things that impressed us:
- the fact that most of the indian women wear sarris daily (not occasionally)
- the specific head movement of indian people
- the monkeys that were walking on the campus roads or near the temples as dogs in our country
- the traffic! they pass on red light and they have their own way to give priority. 

We visited many interesting places, like:

Elephanta Caves 

Gateway of India

IITB Temple

The Taj Mahal Palace & Tower Hotel 

Talking about the artistic side, Romania left a good impression, leaving open doors for future participations. We had 3 performances, a carnival and a workshop. The other international groups that participated at Mood Indigo Worldfest were Serbia, Italy, Japan and Sri Lanka. 
Other interactive activities:
- Every country had to arrange a national tent. Inside Romania's tent we had traditional objects, folk costumes and representing pictures from Romania. 
- Doinita Folk Ensemble participated at: a Bollywood Dance workshop organised by the Indian hosts; a flag workshop organised by Sbandieratori dei Rioni - Cori-Italy; an origami workshop organised by Iov Fukui - Japan; a dance workshop organised by Simyonov Folk Ballet Ensemble - Belgrade - Serbia.
- On the 21st of December, Doinita Folk Ensemble had VIP tickets at Simple Plan concert in Mood Indigo Worldfest! Thank you Mood Indigo!!! 

- Show 1: 

- Show 2:

- Carnival:

- Bollywood Workshop :

This was an unique experience that we will surelly never forget! Mood Indigo Worlfest has definitely reached it's target: creating strong relashionships between us and Indians, but also between us and other participant countries. Only by knowing and understanding each other's culture, people will make world a better place!
