In perioada 1-10 August 2021, Ansamblul folcloric Doinita prin Asociatia Doinita Dance Studio a participat la schimbul de experienta de tip Erasmus+ Patchwork Dances vol.2 in orasul Tomaszow Lubelski din Polonia. Am avut ocazia sa cunoastem oameni si culturi noi, sa ne dezvoltam prin educatie non-formala si sa sustinem un spectacol international de folclor in Teatrul Tomaszow Lubelski.
Proiectul a fost finantat de catre Comisia Europeana.
Between 1-10 August 2021, Doinita Folk Ensemble through the Doinita Dance Studio association has participated in the Patchwork Dances vol. 2 Erasmus+ Youth Exchange in Tomaszow Lubelski - Poland. We had the chance to meet new people and new cultures, to develop ourselves through non-formal education and to perform in an international folklore show in the Tomaszow Lubelski Theatre.
The project was funded by the European Comission,